Faith CRC Resources
Check this page regularly for information about Faith's upcoming events, to find the current bulletin, or to register for groups or events.

Click below to read this week's bulletin or a bulletin from the past few months.
February 16 | PM Bulletin | Sheet Music
Hebrews in the Evening

Jan 26 through Feb 23, Dr. Ben Ribbens will be leading our evening services. He’ll be continuing the focus on his specialty, the New Testament book of Hebrews.
We'll hold similar services to what we did in the fall–we’ll meet in the fellowship hall, have discussion and Q&A, and share dinner. Nursery will be provided. Please click the link below to register so we can make food and seating preparations.
Sermon Illustrations II

Are you an artist, graphic designer, calligrapher, or someone who thinks visually? Beginning on Feb 9, during our next couple of morning sermon series, we’re looking for people to visually reflect on the sermon and then share their work. Producing a drawing or other artwork that reflects the teaching of the morning sermon, and then we’ll share that work the week following the sermon. Drop off your artwork or email a photo to the office by the Thursday morning after each sermon. Work from artists of all ages is accepted. Contact the office with any questions.
Easter Service

'I am the resurrection and the life, the one who believes in me will live...' Join us this Easter Sunday, April 20, for our 9:30 am service.

Click the button below to view the full church calendar. ​If you have any questions about our events or programs, please contact us.

Visit Faith's online digital directory by clicking below. You must be invited to join the directory in order to view. If you have not been invited to join and would like to, please contact the office at office@faithelmhurst.org or 630-279-1776.
Ministry Partners

Council Notes

Click the links below to read previous highlights from the Faith CRC Council meetings with in the past year.
New Youth Bulletins

We debuted a new Youth Bulletin this February! If your children are feeling too old for our children’s bulletin, have them check this one out. It provides an interactive way for them to follow along with the service and helps explain some of the elements incorporated in our Sunday worship and services. You can find them next to the children’s bulletins as well as on the registration and welcome counters.
Pray on Wednesday

This ministry year, we’ll have a prayer time on most Wednesdays at 1:00PM. You’re welcome to come regularly, occasionally, or even just once. We’ll pray for personal needs, for our church, and for the world, with some different focus points each week. Dirk Glaubke, Dirk Rauglas, and Pastor Matthew will be taking turns leading these prayer times; contact any of them with questions.
Scripture Reflections

A group will meet after our morning services, at 10:45 AM in room 4/5, to read the sermon text again and reflect together on the Scripture and sermon. This is a great opportunity to dig deeper into the Bible and to work together on applying the message to our lives. Contact Pastor Matthew or Brad Miedema with questions.
Game Night

The next Game Night is on Thursday, February 13. You’re invited to this month’s game night this Thursday at the Apple Lane house. Dinner at 6:30 PM, games after that. If possible, let Matthew or Laura Lanser know you’re coming.
Faith Christian Reformed Church
1070 S. Prospect Ave, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Sunday Services: 9:30 AM | 5:00 PM